Happy Mamavation Monday...
First I wan to start off with some AMAZING NEWS!!!!!!!
3.5lbs LOST
Now with that said on to my first Mamavation post....
Its a brand new year and alot of people are starting off on their yearly diets. Im not starting a yearly diet this year. I am doing a whole lifestyle change. Diets don't work, they are temporary. TV is now bombarded with Diet and Gym commercials. I personally don't have the family life style where I can easily go to the gym. Even the ones with child care are hard because I have special needs children. So it takes alot of time and effort to get them ready and to train someone to be able to care for them. So I am finding alot of different ways to work out at home and without having to spend a small fortune that I don't have on gym equipment. I have found that the Wii has alot of great options for work outs I LOVE wii fit and EA Sports Active. But even without having video games their are simple things to do. I will only carry up one of the boys clothes at a time. Which means I am making 3 trips UP the stairs. We have also started doing obstacle courses in the back yard with the boys. They LOVE LOVE LOVE picking out what we get to do and being the boss. But the BEST thing I have found. Is just playing with my boys and letting them take charge with their imagination. We have had Dance competitions, Sock wars (We ball up all the socks with a missing match and throw them at each other). Its not only a great family time. Its a great work out. But for something more alone and to target certain areas I would recommend you stopping by the Twitter Party on Jan. 5th with GameStop www.Gamestop.com
Can't wait to talk to you guys again...
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